Interfaces to solvers and algebraic modeling languages (AMLs)

COMANDO itself allows to model energy systems and formulate optimization problems based on the resulting models. To solve these optimization problems, they need to be passed to a suitable solver. This can either be done by creating an appropriate input file and passing it to a solver or interfacing a solver’s application programming interface (API) if present. Alternatively we can communicate the problem formulation to an algebraic modeling language (AML) - again via some input file or via API - which takes care of the interaction with the solver. The benefit of using an AML is that multiple solvers can be tested easily, a minor downside is that an additional representation (the one for the AML) needs to be created.

Both solver and AML interfaces are either text-based (creating input files) or use an API. Using any interface generally results in the following steps to be performed:

  • translate a given problem to an appropriate representation

  • instructs the solver to solve the problem with the given options

  • reads back the solution from result files or API-objects

  • updates the COMANDO variables with the optimal values

Available Solver interfaces

We provide the following interfaces:


Problem classes:

  • (MI)LP

  • (MI)QP

  • (MI)QCQP


Download and install the GUROBI solver (for academics you can create an account and obtain a free license for noncommercial use here)

From a commandline navigate to

  • Linux: /opt/gurobi902/linux64

  • Mac: /Library/gurobi902/mac64

  • Windows C:\gurobi\win64

and run

python setup install

On Linux you may have to manually set additional paths (e.g. in ~/.bash_profile)

export GUROBI_HOME="/opt/gurobi902/linux64"
export PATH="${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin"

To check if everything worked properly, run python and do:

import gurobipy

BARON (Text-based)

Problem classes:

  • (MI)LP

  • (MI)QP

  • (MI)QCQP

  • (MI)NLP


Problem classes:

  • (MI)LP

  • (MI)QP

  • (MI)QCQP

  • (MI)NLP


Either download and install the prebuild binaries or download and compile the source from the SCIPOPT website.

Then install the pyscipopt python interface following these instructions.

MAiNGO (Text-based & API)

Problem classes:

  • (MI)LP

  • (MI)QP

  • (MI)QCQP

  • (MI)NLP


Using the MAiNGO interface requires the MAiNGO solver, which must currently build from source code. For this you will need CMake, compilers for C++11 and Fortran77.

An optional dependency is CPLEX as a MILP subsolver, alternatively the open source solver CBC is used.

To obtain the source code, we recommend using git:

git clone
cd maingo
git submodule init
git submodule update -j 1
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull

When using the commandline you can configure the cmake run via

mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..

Now you may need to point CMake to the location of CPLEX if available. At this step you must activate the MAiNGO_build_python_interface switch if you want to use the API interface. Hit configure and generate to create the required files for building MAiNGO.

On Linux/Mac you can build the software with


On Windows you may use Visual Studio

The build process should produce the MAiNGO executable and pymaingo shared library pymaingo.<your_python_version_number>-<your_platform>.<so OR pyd> which needs to be added to the PYTHONPATH environment variable to be discoverable by python. For this add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile or similar:

export PYTHONPATH="<PATH_TO...>/maingo/build:$PYTHONPATH"

To check if everything worked properly, run python and do:

import pymaingo


from comando.interfaces.maingo_api import MaingoProblem

mp = MaingoProblem(P)
solver, ret = mp.solve(epsilonA=1e-12, outstreamVerbosity=1)
# `solver` is a maingo::MAiNGO solver object that can be queried for
# solve-related information, also see `help(pymaingo.MAiNGO)`.
# ret is a maingo::RETCODE, also see `help(pymaingo.RETCODE)`.

Available AML interfaces

GAMS (Text-based)

The GAMS interface relies on the GAMS AML, which you can get (along with a trial license) here.

To use the COMANDO interface to GAMS, simply insyall the software and ensure it is found when running a commandline with



# With a comando.Problem P...

from comando.interfaces.pyomo import to_pyomo

# NOTE: In contrast to us, pyomo refers to objects representing optimization
#       problems as 'models', hence 'm' is typically used!
m = to_pyomo(P)
# Now different locally installed solvers can be used, e.g., BARON (Requires
# standalone solver and license, not via GAMS!)
# The tee=True option results in the solver output to be displayed.
# Other, solver-specific options can be added, such as BARON's `MaxTime` here.
res = m.solve('baron', tee=True, MaxTime=300)
# res is a Pyomo results object, see the Pyomo documentation for details

Pyomo, Pyomo.DAE (API)

The Pyomo and Pyomo.DAE interfaces rely on the python package pyomo, which can be installed by running

pip install pyomo


# With a comando.Problem P...

from comando.interfaces.gams import solve

# Create a .gms file and pass it to GAMS.
# For a problem class other than MINLP, the `model_type` must be specified
# explicitly.
# Any additional GAMS options can be specified.
ret = solve(P, model_type='NLP', NLP='baron', optCR=1e-3)
# ret is the GAMS return code, also see:
if ret == 0:
elif ret == 7:
    raise RuntimeError("GAMS couldn't find a valid license!")