Quickstart Guide

This section contains code examples for the use of COMANDO

# With some energy system model ES = ...

design_objective = ...  # $F_1$ expression
operational_objective = ...  # $\dot{F}_2$ expression

P = ES.create_problem(design_objective,
                      name=f"min {'|'.join(objectives)}")

from comando.linearization import linearize

# Automatically linearize:
# - find all nonlinear expressions
# - evaluate them on an equidistant grid with 3 breakpoints per variable
# - create a triangulation of the expression values
# - encode the triangulation as linear constraints using the
#   convex-combination method
P_lin = linearize(P, n_bp=3, method='convex_combination')

# Use the Pyomo interface to interact with solvers
from comando.interfaces.pyomo import to_pyomo

# convert P to Pyomo 'model' objects
m = to_pyomo(P)
m_lin = to_pyomo(P_lin)

# Solve with open source solvers (need to be installed beforehand)...
res_lin = m_lin.solve('cbc')  # ...the MILP approximation globally
res = m.solve('ipopt')  # ...locally using a nonlinear solver
res_glob = m.solve('couenne')  # ...globally