Source code for comando

"""Configuration of the backends for COMANDO."""
# This file is part of the COMANDO project which is released under the MIT
# license. See file LICENSE for full license details.
# AUTHORS: Marco Langiu
import os
from enum import Enum
from import Iterable, Mapping
import operator
from functools import reduce, partial

from pandas import Series, DataFrame

os.environ['SYMPY_CACHE_SIZE'] = 'None'
import sympy
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Boolean

sympy.Boolean = Boolean
# sympy.compatibility.NotIterable = NotIterable
backends = {'sympy': sympy}
# BACKEND = symengine
BACKEND = sympy

[docs] class Domain(Enum): """Simple Enum for variable domains, specify other types via bounds.""" REAL = 1 INTEGER = 2 BINARY = 3
REAL, INTEGER, BINARY = Domain.REAL, Domain.INTEGER, Domain.BINARY NAN = float('nan') INF = float('inf') UNBOUNDED = {-INF, INF} EPS = 1e-9 def identity(expr): """Return expr.""" return expr def _sum(*args): """Return the sum of the elements in args.""" return sum(args)
[docs] def prod(*args): """Return the product of the elements in args.""" return reduce(operator.mul, args)
base_op_map = { '()': identity, 'Add': _sum, 'Neg': lambda arg: -arg, 'Mul': prod, 'Div': operator.truediv, 'Pow': operator.pow, 'Inv': partial(operator.truediv, 1), 'LessThan': operator.le, 'GreaterThan':, 'Equality': operator.eq} exponential_function_names = {'exp', 'log'} nonsmooth_function_names = {'sign', 'Abs', 'Min', 'Max', 'ceiling', 'floor'} trigonometric_function_names = {'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'cot', 'sec', 'csc'} trigonometric_inverse_function_names = {'asin', 'acos', 'atan', 'acot', 'asec', 'acsc'} hyperbolic_function_names = {'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'coth', 'sech', 'csch'} hyperbolic_inverse_function_names = {'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh', 'acoth', 'asech', 'acsch'} # NOTE: All of these functions depend on the backend and therefore need to be # looked up dynamically to allow for backend switches! comando_functions = set().union( exponential_function_names, nonsmooth_function_names, trigonometric_function_names, trigonometric_inverse_function_names, hyperbolic_function_names, hyperbolic_inverse_function_names ) class SlotSerializationMixin(object): """A Mixin to make classes with slots serializable.""" __slots__ = () def __getstate__(self): """Get the state.""" # Collect all data stored in state and slots of mro hierarchy state = {} for ty in reversed(type(self).__mro__): # reversed to overwrite try: state.update(super(ty).__getstate__()) except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(ty, '__slots__'): for slot in ty.__slots__: if hasattr(self, slot): state[slot] = getattr(self, slot) return state # try: # super_state = super().__getstate__() # except AttributeError: # super_state = {} # return {**super_state, **{slot: getattr(self, slot) # for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)}} def __setstate__(self, state): """Set the state.""" for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) class set_backend: """Set the symbolic backend used by COMANDO.""" def __init__(self, backend_name): import comando self.previous_backend = comando.get_backend() self.backend_name = backend_name self._set(self.backend_name) def _set(self, backend_name): import comando if backend_name in comando.backends: comando.BACKEND = comando.backends[backend_name] self.update_symbols() comando.op_map = base_op_map.copy() for f_name in comando_functions: comando.op_map[f_name] = getattr(comando.get_backend(), f_name) def __getattr__(name): """Get attributes that can't be found from the backend.""" from comando import core try: return getattr(core, name) except AttributeError: return getattr(get_backend(), name) comando.__getattr__ = __getattr__ else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{backend_name} is not a known ' 'backend!\n Available backends are ' f'{[*comando.backends]}!') def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): import comando comando.BACKEND = self.previous_backend self._set(self.previous_backend.__name__) def update_symbols(self): """Update the Symbol definitions for the new backend.""" import comando BE = comando.get_backend() comando.Zero = BE.S(0) # TODO: Obsolete class Symbol(SlotSerializationMixin, BE.Symbol): """A placeholder for a value which can occur within expressions.""" __slots__ = ('_value', '_indexed', '__qualname__', '_newargs') __qualname__ = 'Symbol' def __getnewargs__(self): return self._newargs def __getnewargs_ex__(self): return self._newargs, {} def __hash__(self): """Return the symbol's id, since it is unique.""" return id(self) @property def indexed(self): """Check if the Symbol is indexed.""" return self._indexed @property def value(self): """Get the Symbol's value.""" return self._value @property def is_Parameter(self): return False @property def is_Variable(self): return False comando.Symbol = Symbol class Parameter(Symbol): """A `Symbol` representing a parameter whose value is known.""" __slots__ = ('expansion', '_parent') __qualname__ = 'Parameter' def __new__(cls, name, value=NAN, parent=None): self = BE.Symbol.__new__(cls, name) # self = super().__new__(cls, name) self.value = value # TODO: Add safeguards self._parent = parent self._newargs = name, value, parent return self @property def indexed(self): """Check whether the Parameter is indexed or not.""" return self.expansion is not None @property def value(self): """Return the value or values of the Parameter.""" return self._value if self.expansion is None \ else self.expansion.apply(lambda e: getattr(e, 'value')) @value.setter def value(self, data): """Set the value of the Parameter. In contrast to the Variable, a Parameter can be made indexed by simply providing some Mapping or a pandas.Series that imply both an index and values. """ if isinstance(data, (Mapping, Series)): self.expand(data) self._value = None else: self._value = None if data is None else float(data) self.expansion = None @property def indices(self): return self.expansion.keys() @property def elements(self): return self.expansion.values @property def items(self): return self.expansion.items() @property def parent(self): """Return the parent of this parameter.""" return self._parent def expand(self, data): """Expand the `Parameter` with indexed data.""" if self._parent is not None: raise RuntimeError(f'Attempted to expand parameter {self} ' f'which is a member of {self._parent}!') self.expansion = Series((Parameter(f'{}[{i}]', v, self) for i, v in data.items()), data.keys(), dtype='O') def __getitem__(self, index): try: # TODO: Custom errors still includes long stack trace... return self.expansion[index] except KeyError: if self.expansion is None: raise TypeError(f'Parameter {} is not ' 'indexed!') raise IndexError("Parameter index out of range") def __setitem__(self, index, value): """Set the value of the element corresponding to the index.""" self.expansion[index].value = value def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the elements of this Parameter.""" if self.expansion is None: raise TypeError(f'{self} is scalar.') for elem in self.elements: yield elem @property def is_Parameter(self): return True comando.Parameter = Parameter class Variable(Symbol): """A `Symbol` representing a variable whose value is unknown.""" __slots__ = ('_domain', '_bounds', '__bounds', '_init_val', '_parent') __qualname__ = 'Variable' def __new__(cls, name, domain=REAL, bounds=(None, None), init_val=None, indexed=False, parent=None): if domain is REAL: assumptions = {'real': True} elif domain in {INTEGER, BINARY}: assumptions = {'integer': True} else: raise ValueError(f'Domain must be either {REAL}, ' f'{INTEGER} or {BINARY}!') self = BE.Symbol.__new__(cls, name, **assumptions) # self = super().__new__(cls, name, **assumptions) # WITH DEFAULT KWARG: domain='REAL' # if domain == 'Binaries': # self._bounds = comando.Interval(0, 1) # self._domain = comando.INTEGER # domain = comando.S(domain) # if domain not in (comando.INTEGER, comando.REAL): # raise ValueError("Kwarg 'domain' must be one of 'REAL'," # "' INTEGER' or 'Binaries'!") self._domain = domain self.bounds = bounds self.__bounds = None # storing bounds when Variable is fixed # TODO: This is a second option to create time-indexed # variables, but at some point we should decide wheter # we simply distinguish by value or via a different class self._indexed = indexed self.init_val = init_val # NOTE: indexed Variables need an index that is specified later if not indexed: self.value = self.init_val self._parent = parent self._newargs = name, domain, bounds, init_val, indexed, parent return self @property def parent(self): """Return the parent of this variable.""" return self._parent @property def domain(self): return self._domain @property def bounds(self): return self._bounds @bounds.setter def bounds(self, bounds): if self.domain is BINARY: lb = 0 if bounds[0] is None else bounds[0] ub = 1 if bounds[1] is None else bounds[1] if lb not in {0, 1} or ub not in {0, 1}: raise ValueError('Bounds for binary variables may ' 'only be [0, 0], [0, 1] or [1, 1], ' f'but are {[lb, ub]}!') else: lb = -INF if bounds[0] is None else bounds[0] ub = INF if bounds[1] is None else bounds[1] if lb <= ub: self._bounds = lb, ub # comando.Interval(lb, ub) else: raise ValueError('Lower bound of',, 'must be less than or ' 'equal to upper bound!') @property def lb(self): return self.bounds[0] # self.bounds.inf @lb.setter def lb(self, lb): lb = -INF if lb is None else lb if lb <= self.ub: self.bounds = lb, self.ub # comando.Interval(lb, self.ub) else: raise ValueError('Lower bound of',, 'must be less than or ' 'equal to upper bound!') @property def ub(self): return self.bounds[1] # self.bounds.sup @ub.setter def ub(self, ub): ub = INF if ub is None else ub if <= ub: self.bounds =, ub # comando.Interval(, ub) else: raise ValueError('Upper bound of',, 'must be greater than or ' 'equal to lower bound!') @Symbol.value.setter def value(self, data): """Set the value of the Variable. A variable is declared to be either indexed or not at creation; according to this specification the value is a scalar or pandas.Series. If the Variable is indexed, the first time the value is set, it must be specified via a Mapping or pandas.Series, which imply an index. After this the values can be changed by simply providing iterables of appropriate length and the index and length can be adapted by again specifying the value via a Mapping or Series. """ if self._indexed: if isinstance(data, (Mapping, Series)): self._value = Series(data) if isinstance(data, (Iterable)): try: self._value = Series(data, self._value.index) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("The variable's index has " "not been specified yet, set " "the value using a Mapping " "or a pandas.Series!") except ValueError: raise ValueError("The variable's index does not " "match the length of the " "provided value!") # data & index don't match -> infer from data self._value = Series(data) else: self._value = NAN if data is None else float(data) def fix(self, value=None): """Fix the variable by setting both bounds to `value`.""" if value is None: try: value = self._value except AttributeError: # uninitialized indexed Variable value = self._init_val if self.is_integer and not float(value).is_integer(): lb, ub = self.__bounds if self.__bounds else self.bounds if lb <= value <= ub: from warnings import warn round_val = round(value) warn(f'Fixing value of {} to {round_val} ' f'instead of {value}!') value = round_val else: kind = raise ValueError(f'Cannot fix {kind} variable ' f'"{}" with bounds ' f'{lb, ub} to non-integer value ' f'{value}!') # Get original bounds (either the previously fixed or the # current ones) lb, ub = self.__bounds if self.__bounds else self.bounds if value <= lb - EPS or ub + EPS <= value: raise ValueError(f'Value {value} is not within original ' f'bounds [{lb}, {ub}]') self.__bounds = lb, ub # NoOp or setting current bounds self.value = value self.bounds = (value, value) def unfix(self): """Recover the original bounds.""" if self.__bounds: self.bounds = self.__bounds self.__bounds = None @property def init_val(self): return self._init_val @init_val.setter def init_val(self, val): from math import isnan, isinf, ceil, floor lb, ub = self._bounds if val is None: if self.is_binary: self._init_val = 0 return tmp = (ub + lb) * 0.5 if isnan(tmp) or isinf(tmp): if not isnan(ub) and not isinf(ub): self._init_val = \ floor(ub) if self.is_integer else ub elif not isnan(lb) and not isinf(lb): self._init_val = \ ceil(lb) if self.is_integer else lb else: self._init_val = 0 return val = tmp if self.is_integer: # make adjustments for the integer case # ... round val to nearest int if not float(val).is_integer(): l_val = floor(val) u_val = ceil(val) val = l_val if val - l_val <= u_val - val else u_val # TODO: could be moved to the bounds property? lb = ceil(lb) ub = floor(ub) if lb <= val <= ub: self._init_val = val return raise ValueError(f'init_val {val} is incompatible with bounds ' f'[{lb}, {ub}]!') @property def is_integer(self): return self.domain in {BINARY, INTEGER} @property def is_binary(self): return self.domain is BINARY # TODO: Might need EPS for comparisons as well @property def is_positive(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are positive. We can assert positivity if the lower bound is positive, otherwise we can assert nonpositivity if the upper bound is nonpositive. If we cannot assert either of these facts, the variable may contain both positive and negative values. To reflect this we return None. """ return True if > 0 else False if self.ub <= 0 else None @property def is_negative(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are negative. We can assert negativity if the upper bound is negative, otherwise we can assert nonnegativity if the lower bound is nonnegative. If we cannot assert either of these facts, the variable may contain both positive and negative values. To reflect this we return None. """ return True if self.ub < 0 else False if >= 0 else None @property def is_nonnegative(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are negative. This is the fuzzy not of self.is_negative """ # True if >= 0 else False if self.ub < 0 else None return comando.utility.fuzzy_not(self.is_negative) @property def is_nonpositive(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are negative. This is the fuzzy not of self.is_negative """ # True if self.ub <= 0 else False if > 0 else None return comando.utility.fuzzy_not(self.is_positive) @property def is_Variable(self): return True comando.Variable = Variable class VariableVector(Symbol): """A `Symbol` representing a vector of `Variables`.""" __slots__ = ('_domain', '_bounds', '__bounds', '_init_val', 'expansion') __qualname__ = 'VariableVector' def __new__(cls, name, domain=REAL, bounds=(None, None), init_val=None): if domain is REAL: assumptions = {'real': True} elif domain in {INTEGER, BINARY}: assumptions = {'integer': True} else: raise ValueError(f'Domain must be either {REAL}, ' f'{INTEGER} or {BINARY}!') self = BE.Symbol.__new__(cls, name, **assumptions) # self = sympy.Symbol.__xnew__(cls, name, **assumptions) self._domain = domain self.expansion = Series(dtype='O') # self.bounds = bounds self.bounds = bounds # TODO self.__bounds = None # for storing bounds # self._bounds = bounds self.init_val = init_val self._newargs = name, domain, bounds, init_val return self # TODO: Rename (here and elsewehere) to is_indexed @property def indexed(self): return True @property def is_expanded(self): return bool(len(self.expansion)) @property def domain(self): return self._domain @property def indices(self): return self.expansion.keys() @property def elements(self): return self.expansion.values @property def items(self): return self.expansion.items() def _get_property(self, property): """Get a `Series` with property values from `self.elements`.""" return (self.expansion.apply(lambda e: getattr(e, property)) .rename(property)) def _set_property(self, property, scalar_or_mapping): """Set the property values of `self.elements`.""" # Attempting to treat `scalar_or_mapping` as a mapping... if not self.is_expanded: raise RuntimeError(f'VariableVector {} has not ' 'been instantiated yet.') if isinstance(scalar_or_mapping, (Mapping, Series, DataFrame)): for i, elem in self.expansion.items(): try: setattr(elem, property, scalar_or_mapping[i]) except KeyError: continue # Leave existing value return try: # treating as iterable for (i, elem), val in zip(self.expansion.items(), scalar_or_mapping): setattr(elem, property, val) return except TypeError: # scalar_or_mapping not iterable -> scalar for elem in self.elements: setattr(elem, property, scalar_or_mapping) return raise RuntimeError(f'Could not set {property} property of ' f'{} with {scalar_or_mapping}!') @property def value(self): values = self._get_property('value') return values if len(values) else None @value.setter def value(self, values): self._set_property('value', values) @property # def bounds(self): return self._bounds def bounds(self): return (self._get_property('lb'), self._get_property('ub')) \ if self.is_expanded else self._bounds @bounds.setter def bounds(self, bounds): if self.is_expanded: # NOTE: We expect bounds to be a 2-tuple of scalars, # Iterables or Mappings _lb, _ub = (0, 1) if self.domain is BINARY else (-INF, INF) lb, ub = self._get_property('lb'), self._get_property('ub') if isinstance(bounds[0], (Iterable, Mapping, Series)): lb.update(Series(bounds[0]).fillna(_lb)) else: lb[:] = _lb if bounds[0] is None else bounds[0] if isinstance(bounds[1], (Iterable, Mapping, Series)): ub.update(Series(bounds[1]).fillna(_ub)) else: ub[:] = _ub if bounds[1] is None else bounds[1] if all(lb <= ub): self._bounds = lb.min(), ub.max() self._set_property('bounds', lb.to_frame().join(ub).T) else: raise ValueError('Lower bound of ' + + ' must be less than or ' 'equal to upper bound!') else: # NOTE: We expect bounds to be a 2-tuple of scalars if self.domain is BINARY: lb = 0 if bounds[0] is None else bounds[0] ub = 1 if bounds[1] is None else bounds[1] if lb not in {0, 1} or ub not in {0, 1}: raise ValueError('Bounds for binary variables may ' 'only be [0, 0], [0, 1] or ' f'[1, 1], but are {[lb, ub]}!') else: lb = -INF if bounds[0] is None else bounds[0] ub = INF if bounds[1] is None else bounds[1] if lb <= ub: self._bounds = lb, ub # comando.Interval(lb, ub) else: raise ValueError('Lower bound of ' + + ' must be less than or ' 'equal to upper bound!') @property # def lb(self): return self._bounds[0] def lb(self): return self._get_property('lb') if self.is_expanded \ else self._bounds[0] @lb.setter def lb(self, lb): try: # Scalar lb lb = -INF if lb is None else float(lb) except (ValueError, TypeError): # assume intended for elements # setting lb by iterable old_lb = try: self._set_property('lb', lb) except ValueError as e: self._set_property('lb', old_lb) raise e self._bounds = min(, self._bounds[1] return ub = self.ub if self.is_expanded: if all(lb <= ub): self._set_property('lb', lb) self._bounds = (, self._bounds[1]) else: raise ValueError('Lower bound of ' + + ' must be less than or ' 'equal to upper bound!') else: if lb <= ub: self._bounds = lb, ub else: raise ValueError('Lower bound of ' + + ' must be less than or ' 'equal to upper bound!') @property # def ub(self): return self._bounds[1] def ub(self): return self._get_property('ub') if self.is_expanded \ else self._bounds[1] @ub.setter def ub(self, ub): try: # Scalar ub ub = INF if ub is None else float(ub) except (ValueError, TypeError): # assume intended for elements # setting ub by iterable old_ub = self.ub try: self._set_property('ub', ub) except ValueError as e: self._set_property('ub', old_ub) raise e self._bounds = self._bounds[0], max(self.ub) return lb = if self.is_expanded: if all(lb <= ub): self._set_property('ub', ub) self._bounds = self._bounds[0], self.ub.max() else: raise ValueError('Upper bound of ' + + ' must be greater than or ' 'equal to lower bound!') else: if lb <= ub: self._bounds = lb, ub else: raise ValueError('Upper bound of ' + + ' must be greater than or ' 'equal to lower bound!') # # self._set_property('ub', ub) # ub = INF if ub is None else ub # if <= ub: # self.bounds =, ub @property def init_val(self): return self._init_val @init_val.setter def init_val(self, val): from math import isnan, isinf, ceil, floor lb, ub = self._bounds if val is None: tmp = (ub + lb) * 0.5 if isnan(tmp) or isinf(tmp): if not isnan(ub) and not isinf(ub): self._init_val = \ floor(ub) if self.is_integer else ub elif not isnan(lb) and not isinf(lb): self._init_val = \ ceil(lb) if self.is_integer else lb else: self._init_val = 0 return val = tmp if self.is_integer: # make adjustments for the integer case if not float(val).is_integer(): # ... round to nearest int l_val = floor(val) u_val = ceil(val) val = l_val if val - l_val <= u_val - val else u_val # TODO: could be moved to the bounds property? lb = ceil(lb) ub = floor(ub) if lb <= val <= ub: self._init_val = val return raise ValueError(f'init_val {val} is incompatible with bounds ' f'[{lb}, {ub}]!') def fix(self, value=None): """Fix `self.elements` by setting both bounds to `value`.""" if value is None: try: value = self.value except AttributeError: # uninitialized value = self._init_val lb, ub = self.__bounds if self.__bounds else self.bounds if self.is_expanded: if any(value <= lb - EPS) or any(ub + EPS <= value): raise ValueError(f'Value {value} is not within ' f'original bounds [{lb}, {ub}]') self.value = value elif value <= lb - EPS or ub + EPS <= value: raise ValueError(f'Value {value} is not within ' f'original bounds [{lb}, {ub}]') self.__bounds = lb, ub # NoOp or setting current bounds self.bounds = (value, value) def unfix(self): """Recover the original bounds.""" self.bounds = self.__bounds self.__bounds = None @property def is_integer(self): return self.domain in {BINARY, INTEGER} @property def is_binary(self): return self.domain is BINARY @property def is_positive(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are positive. We can assert positivity if the lower bound is positive, otherwise we can assert nonpositivity if the upper bound is nonpositive. If we cannot assert either of these facts, the variable may contain both positive and negative values. To reflect this we return None. """ try: return True if > 0 else \ False if self.ub <= 0 else None except ValueError: return True if all( > 0) else \ False if all(self.ub <= 0) else None @property def is_negative(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are negative. We can assert negativity if the upper bound is negative, otherwise we can assert nonnegativity if the lower bound is nonnegative. If we cannot assert either of these facts, the variable may contain both positive and negative values. To reflect this we return None. """ try: return True if self.ub < 0 else \ False if >= 0 else None except ValueError: return True if all(self.ub < 0) else \ False if all( >= 0) else None @property def is_nonnegative(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are negative. This is the fuzzy not of self.is_negative """ # True if >= 0 else False if self.ub < 0 else None return comando.utility.fuzzy_not(self.is_negative) @property def is_nonpositive(self): """Check if all possible values of the variable are negative. This is the fuzzy not of self.is_negative """ # True if self.ub <= 0 else False if > 0 else None return comando.utility.fuzzy_not(self.is_positive) def instantiate(self, index): """Create a `Variable` instance for every element in `index`.""" self.expansion = Series((Variable(f'{}[{i}]', self.domain, self._bounds, self.init_val, parent=self) for i in index), index, dtype='O') def __getitem__(self, index): try: # TODO: Custom errors still includes long stack trace... return self.expansion[index] except KeyError: raise IndexError("Vector index out of range") def __setitem__(self, index, value): """Set the value of the element corresponding to the index.""" self.expansion[index].value = value def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the elements of this VariableVector.""" for elem in self.elements: yield elem @property def is_Variable(self): return True comando.VariableVector = VariableVector # DEPRECATED use nan directly comando.cyclic = float('nan') try: import symengine backends['symengine'] = symengine from symengine.lib import symengine_wrapper symengine.Boolean = symengine_wrapper.Boolean def _0(self): return self.args[0] def _1(self): return self.args[1] symengine_wrapper.Relational.lhs = property(_0) symengine_wrapper.Relational.rhs = property(_1) symengine_wrapper.Le.lts = property(_0) symengine_wrapper.Le.gts = property(_1) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass finally: def get_backend(): """Get the symbolic backend used by COMANDO.""" return BACKEND set_backend('sympy') import comando comando.get_backend = get_backend comando.backend = set_backend from .core import * from comando import utility # Teaching all sympy expressions about their value (Won't work with symengine!) sympy.Expr.value = property(lambda self: comando.utility.evaluate(self)) # NOTE: must be last line of file! __version__ = '1.0.2'