Source code for comando.interfaces.baron

"""Input file generation for BARON."""
# This file is part of the COMANDO project which is released under the MIT
# license. See file LICENSE for full license details.
# AUTHORS: Marco Langiu
from functools import partial
from math import isinf
import sys

import comando
from comando import Eq, Le

from comando.utility import split, indexed, get_index, get_vars, StrParser

# In some newer macOS versions 'System Integrity Protection' appears to prevent
# interactive Python sessions to access certain environment variables like
# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH which is where shared libraries such as for CPLEX are
# stored by default.
# As Baron relies on DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set correclty, we do this here
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    # NOTE: Make sure the shared library for CPLEX 12.10 can be found!
    import os
    import subprocess

    def search_cplex_library(major='12', minor='10', patch='0', *ignored):
        """Locate the shared library file for the given CPLEX version."""
        cplex_library = f"libcplex{major}{minor}{patch}.dylib"
        print(f'searching for {cplex_library}...')
        if ignored:
            print('ignoring:', ignored)
        res = subprocess.check_output(f'locate {cplex_library}', shell=True)
            loc = res.decode().split()[0]
            print(f'...found at {loc}!')
            print('Temporarily adding to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH!')
            os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.dirname(loc)
            return True
        except IndexError:
            print('... nothing found!')
            return False

    if not search_cplex_library():
        prompt = ('Please enter the CPLEX version you have installed\n'
                  'in the form major.minor.patch, e.g., 12.10.0 or hit\n'
                  "enter if you do not have CPLEX or don't want to use it\n")
        while True:
            version = input(prompt).split('.')
            if version[0] == '' or search_cplex_library(*version):

baron_str_map = {'Neg': lambda arg: f'(-{arg})',  # unary negation requires ()!
                 'LessThan': lambda lts_minus_gts, ZERO:
                     f'{lts_minus_gts} <= 0',
                 'GreaterThan': lambda lts_minus_gts, ZERO:
                     f'{lts_minus_gts} <= 0',
                 # NOTE: symengine stores both a == 0 and 0 == a as the latter!
                 'Equality': lambda ZERO, lhs_minus_rhs:
                     f'{lhs_minus_rhs} == 0',  # BARON needs a == 0
                 'Pow': lambda base, exponent: f'{base} ^ {exponent}',
                 'tanh': lambda arg: f'(1 - 2/(exp(2 * ({arg})) + 1))'}

[docs] def baron_pow_callback(parser, expr, idx): """Handle special pow calls in BARON.""" base, exponent = expr.args if base == comando.E: return parser.str_map['exp'](*parser.parse_args((exponent, ), idx)) # NOTE: BARON does not allow x^y, where x and y are both variables. # It is permissible to have either x or y as a variable in this # case but not both. The following reformulation can be used # around this: x^y = exp(y * log(x)) if all(get_vars(arg) for arg in expr.args): arg = base * comando.log(exponent) return parser.str_map['exp'](*parser.parse_args((arg, ), idx)) return None # No special case, handle normally
[docs] class BaronParser(StrParser): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class for parsing comando expressions to baron Syntax.""" def __init__(self, sym_map): super().__init__(sym_map, baron_str_map, pow_callback=baron_pow_callback)
[docs] def options_section(options): """Write the OPTIONS section.""" opts = '\n'.join(f'{opt}: {val};' for opt, val in options.items()) return f'OPTIONS {{\n{opts}\n}}\n\n' if options else ''
def _name(prefix, n=1, i=None): """Generate n unused names of the form {prefix}{i} starting from i.""" if i is None: try: i = _name.i[prefix] except (AttributeError, KeyError): i = 0 for _ in range(n): _name.i[prefix] = i + 1 yield f'{prefix}{i}' i += 1 _name.i = {} var_name = partial(_name, 'x') con_name = partial(_name, 'c') # TESTS # y = comando.Variable('y', Integers, (0, 1), 0, True) # y.value = {1: 0, 2: 0} # x1 = comando.Variable('x1', bounds=(0, None)) # x3 = comando.Variable('x3', Integers) # x4 = comando.Variable('x4', bounds=(0, 100)) # x5 = comando.Variable('x5', bounds=(-300, None)) # x6 = comando.Variable('x6', bounds=(0, None)) # x7 = comando.Variable('x7', Integers, bounds=(10, None)) # k = comando.Variable('k', bounds=(2, 50), indexed=True, init_val=42) # k.value = {1: 42, 2: 42} # variables = {y, x1, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, k} # prios = {x3: 10, x5: 0}
[docs] def variables_section(var_map, prios=None): """Write the (BINARY/INTEGER/POSITIVE) VARIABLES sections.""" all_vars = set(var_map) # continuous vs. integer c_vars, i_vars = split(all_vars, lambda v: v.is_integer) # general integer vs. binary i_vars, b_vars = split(i_vars, lambda v: v.is_binary) # general vs. 'positive' (lb = 0 for BARON) _, p_vars = split(all_vars - b_vars, lambda v: all( == 0) if v.indexed else == 0) gc_vars = c_vars - p_vars # 'general continuous' variables variable_groups = {'BINARY_VARIABLES': b_vars, 'INTEGER_VARIABLES': i_vars, 'POSITIVE_VARIABLES': p_vars, 'VARIABLES': gc_vars} res = '' for group, vars in variable_groups.items(): # sections for each group if vars: var_reps = (', '.join(var_map[v].values()) if v.indexed else var_map[v] for v in vars) res += f"""{group} {', '.join(var_reps)};\n""" for var, repr in var_map.items(): if var.indexed: for i, var_i_repr in repr.items(): res += f'// {var_i_repr}: {var}[{i}]\n' else: res += f'// {repr}: {var}\n' lbs = i_vars.union(c_vars) - p_vars # lbnds_gen = ('\n'.join(f'{r}: {v[i].lb};' for i, r in var_map[v].items() # if not isinf(v[i].lb)) if v.indexed # else ('' if isinf( else f'{var_map[v]}: {}; ') # for v in lbs) # lbnds = '\n'.join(lbnds_gen) def lbnds_gen(): for v in lbs: if v.indexed: yield from (f'{r}: {v[i].lb};' for i, r in var_map[v].items() if not isinf(v[i].lb)) elif not isinf( yield f'{var_map[v]}: {}; ' lbnds = '\n'.join(lbnds_gen()) ubs = lbs.union(p_vars) # ubnds_gen = ('\n'.join(f'{r}: {v[i].ub};' for i, r in var_map[v].items() # if not isinf(v[i].ub)) if v.indexed # else ('' if isinf(v.ub) else f'{var_map[v]}: {v.ub}; ') # for v in ubs) # ubnds = '\n'.join(ubnds_gen) def ubnds_gen(): for v in ubs: if v.indexed: yield from (f'{r}: {v[i].ub};' for i, r in var_map[v].items() if not isinf(v[i].ub)) elif not isinf(v.ub): yield f'{var_map[v]}: {v.ub}; ' ubnds = '\n'.join(ubnds_gen()) for b_type, bnds in ('LOWER', lbnds), ('UPPER', ubnds): if bnds: res += f"\n{b_type}_BOUNDS {{\n{bnds}\n}}\n" if prios: prio_gen = ('\n'.join(f'{r}: {p};' for r in var_map[v].values()) if v.indexed else f'{var_map[v]}: {p};' for v, p in prios.items()) prio_section = '\n'.join(prio_gen) if prio_section: res += f"\nBRANCHING_PRIORITIES {{\n{prio_section}\n}}\n" return res
[docs] def constraints_section(con_map, rel_only_cons, convex_cons, parse): """Write the (RELAXATION_ONLY/CONVEX) EQUATIONS sections.""" # Assuming constraints is a dict con->name and rel_only_cons and # convex_cons are sets of cons ro_cons = {con: con_map[con] for con in rel_only_cons} conv_cons = {con: con_map[con] for con in convex_cons} constraint_groups = {'EQUATIONS': con_map, 'RELAXATION_ONLY_EQUATIONS': ro_cons, 'CONVEX_EQUATIONS': conv_cons} res = '' for group, cons in constraint_groups.items(): if cons: res += f"""{group} {', '.join(', '.join(name.values()) if indexed(con) else name for con, name in cons.items())};\n""" con_defs = ('\n'.join(f'{n[i]}: {parse(c, i)};' for i in get_index(c)) if indexed(c) else f'{n}: {parse(c)};' for c, n in con_map.items()) res += '\n\n' + '\n'.join(con_defs) return res
[docs] def objective_section(P, parse): do = parse(P.design_objective) ooe = P.operational_objective if ooe == 0: return f"\nOBJ: minimize {do};" ts = P.timesteps if ts is None: oo = ' + '.join(f'{p} * ({parse(ooe, s)})' for s, p in P.scenario_weights.items()) elif P.scenarios is None: oo = ' + '.join(f'{dt} * ({parse(ooe, t)})' for t, dt in ts.items()) else: oo = " + ".join(f"""{p} * ({' + '.join(f'{dt} * ({parse(ooe, (s, t))})' for t, dt in ts[s].items())})""" for s, p in P.scenario_weights.items()) return f"\nOBJ: minimize {do} + {oo};"
[docs] def start_section(var_map): s_gen = ('\n'.join(f'{r}: {val};' for r, val in zip(var_map[v].values(), v.value)) if v.indexed else f'{var_map[v]}: {v.value};' for v in var_map) _start_section = '\n'.join(s_gen) return f"\nSTARTING_POINT {{\n{_start_section}\n}}\n"
# # par = comando.Parameter('p') # par.value = {0: 40, 1: 50} # constraints = { # 5*x3 + y - 3*x5 ** 3 >= 1: ['e11', 'e12'], # Eq(y + 2*x4 - 2*x7, 25.7): ['e21', 'e22'], # -20 <= x4 + 2*y*x3 + x6: ['e3lb1', 'e3lb2'], # x4 + 2*y*x3 + x6 <= par: ['e3ub1', 'e3ub2'] # } # rel_only_cons = {Eq(y + 2*x4 - 2*x7, 25.7)} # convex_cons = {5*x3 + y - 3*x5 ** 3 >= 1} # # sym_map = {v: {i: f'{}{i}' for i in index} if v.indexed else # for v in set().union(*(get_vars(con) for con in constraints))} def _spread_bounds(lb, ub, frac=0.1): if lb < 0: lb *= (1 + frac) else: lb *= (1 - frac) if ub < 0: ub *= (1 - frac) else: ub *= (1 + frac) return lb, ub # DEBUG: # For very long expressions BARON seems to have issues, terminating without # having reached the specified termination criteria and complaining that: # User did not provide appropriate variable bounds. # Some model expressions are unbounded. # or incorrectly reporting problems as infeasible when intermediate expressions # are introduced as variables with appropriate bounds. # One issue might be expressions whose bounds are identical, however, even # spreading the bounds of such expressions results in the reported # infeasibility. # Using extreme bounds that are certain to be valid again results in the # complaint about unbounded expressions... # b = -1e10, 1e10
[docs] def apply_cse(P, var_map): """Replace reoccurring expressions with variables.""" do = P.design_objective oo = P.operational_objective cons = P.constraints reps, exprs = comando.cse((do, oo, *cons.values())) defs = {} cons = {} n = len(P.index) for sym, rep in reps: e = rep.subs(defs) # print(defs) index = get_index(e) if index is None: b = comando.utility.bounds(e) # try: # except ValueError: # b = -1e10, 1e10 if b[1] - b[0] < 1e-15: b = _spread_bounds(b[0], b[1]) # # print(e, b) # # for s in e.free_symbols: # # print(type(s), s, end=' ') # # if s.is_Parameter: # # print(s.value) # # else: # # print(s.bounds) # # const_val = (b[0] + b[1]) * 0.5 # # defs[sym] = const_val # # print(sym, const_val) # # continue x = comando.Variable(f'intermediate{[1:]}', bounds=b) var_map[x] = next(var_name()) else: b = comando.utility.bounds(e) b = (min(b[0]), max(b[1])) # try: # except ValueError: # b = -1e10, 1e10 if b[1] - b[0] < 1e-15: b = _spread_bounds(b[0], b[1]) # # print(e, b) # # for s in e.free_symbols: # # print(type(s), s, end=' ') # # if s.is_Parameter: # # print(s.value) # # else: # # print(s.bounds) # # const_val = (b[0] + b[1]) * 0.5 # # defs[sym] = const_val # # print(sym, const_val) # # continue x = comando.VariableVector(f'intermediate{[1:]}', bounds=b) x.instantiate(get_index(e)) var_map[x] = dict(zip(index, var_name(len(index)))) # print(sym, b) cons[f'{}_def'] = Eq(x, e) defs[sym] = x P2 = comando.Problem(exprs[0].subs(defs), exprs[1].subs(defs), {**{con_id: expr.subs(defs) for con_id, expr in zip(P.constraints, exprs[2:])}, **cons}, None, P.timesteps, P.scenarios, name=f'CSE_reformulation_of_{}') return P2
[docs] def handle_tanh(expr, tanh_definitions, var_map): """Search the expression for occurrences of tanh and substitute them.""" tanh_occurrences = {} for atom in expr.atoms(comando.Function): if (comando.utility.get_type_name(atom)) == 'tanh': arg = atom.args[0] index = get_index(arg) if index is None: tanh_var = comando.Variable(f'tanh{handle_tanh.n}', bounds=(-1, 1)) var_map[tanh_var] = next(var_name()) else: tanh_var = comando.VariableVector(f'tanh{handle_tanh.n}', bounds=(-1, 1)) tanh_var.instantiate(index) var_map[tanh_var] = dict(zip(index, var_name(len(index)))) handle_tanh.n += 1 tanh_occurrences[atom] = tanh_var tanh_definitions[tanh_var] = 1 - 2/(comando.exp(2 * arg) + 1) return expr.xreplace(tanh_occurrences)
handle_tanh.n = 0
[docs] def normalize(con): """Bring constraints to a normal form baron can handle.""" try: return Le(con.lts - con.gts, 0) except AttributeError: return Eq(0, con.lhs - con.rhs)
[docs] def discretize(P, sym_map): """Discretize differential equations in P using implicit Euler.""" from comando.utility import handle_state_equations sc = {} # state constraints handle_state_equations(P, lambda c_id, c: sc.__setitem__(c_id, c)) return sc
[docs] def write_bar_file(P, file_name, options=None, cse=False, reuse=False): """Write a baron input file for problem P.""" if options is None: options = {} prios = options.pop('branching_priorities', None) n = len(P.index) _name.i = {} var_map = {} for v in P.design_variables: var_map[v] = next(var_name()) for v in P.operational_variables: index = v.expansion.index var_dict = dict(zip(index, var_name(len(index)))) for v_i, name_i in zip(v, var_dict.values()): var_map[v_i] = name_i var_map[v] = var_dict if cse: P = apply_cse(P, var_map) # tanh handling # TODO: Do not overwrite but use copies of constraints and objective! tanh_definitions = {} P.design_objective = handle_tanh(P.design_objective, tanh_definitions, var_map) P.operational_objective = handle_tanh(P.operational_objective, tanh_definitions, var_map) for c_id, con in P.constraints.items(): P.constraints[c_id] = handle_tanh(con, tanh_definitions, var_map) for tanh_var, tanh_def in tanh_definitions.items(): P.constraints[f'{}_def'] = Eq(tanh_var, tanh_def) if P.states: print('WARNING: There are differential constraints that will be ' 'discretized using implicit Euler discretization, if you want ' 'an advanced time discretization you must reformulate your ' 'problem prior to passing it to the BARON interface!') # NOTE: state discretization will create constraints that directly # contain state VeriableVector elements so we add them here! for state in P.states: var_map.update(zip(state.expansion, var_map[state].values())) cons = {**P.constraints, **discretize(P, var_map)} else: cons = P.constraints parser = BaronParser(var_map) parse = parser.cached_parse def check(c_id, con): """Check whether a constraint has variables, if not evaluate.""" if get_vars(con): return True # If constraint doesn't have any variables... res = comando.utility.parse(con, # ...test whether it is satisfied {p: p.value for p in con.free_symbols}) if not all(res) if indexed(con) else not res: # if there's a violation from comando import ImpossibleConstraintException raise ImpossibleConstraintException( f'Constraint "{c_id}" contains only parameters and ' 'evaluates to False!') else: # else continue (returns None which is equivalent to False!) print(f'INFO: Constraint "{c_id}" contains only parameters and ' 'evaluates to True! Skipping...') con_map = {normalize(c): dict(zip(P.index, con_name(n))) if indexed(c) else next(con_name()) for c_id, c in cons.items() if check(c_id, c)} if not reuse: with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write(options_section(options)) f.write(variables_section(var_map, prios)) f.write(constraints_section(con_map, {}, {}, parse)) f.write(objective_section(P, parse)) f.write(start_section(var_map)) return var_map, con_map
# TESTS f = open(input_file_name, 'w') # str_parse(-b, sym_map) # str_parse(a + -b, sym_map) # str_parse(1 + a + -b, sym_map) # str_parse(a - (b + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(a + 1 - (b + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(2 ** a + -b, sym_map) # str_parse(a + -(b + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(a + -b - c, sym_map, idx=1) # str_parse(a + -log(b), sym_map) # str_parse(a + -log(b + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(a + -exp(b + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(a ** (log(b) + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(a ** -(log(b) + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(-(b + 1), sym_map) # str_parse(a ** -1.2, sym_map) # # str_parse(a - b, sym_map) # str_parse(a + -(1 + b), sym_map) # str_parse(a + c**-(1 + b), sym_map, idx=1) # str_parse(a + c**log(1 + b), sym_map, idx=1) # str_parse(log(b + 1), sym_map, idx=1)
[docs] def get_results(results_file_name='res.lst'): """Code for parsing baron results files.""" import re p = re.compile(r" (\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)") val_map = {} with open(results_file_name, 'r') as f: # Advance until the results section # while not f.readline().startswith(' variable'): # continue ready = False for line in f.readlines(): if not ready: ready = line.startswith(' variable') continue try: var_name, val = except AttributeError: pass val_map[var_name] = float(val) return val_map
[docs] def solve(P, file_name=None, silent=False, cse=False, reuse=None, **options): """Solve the problem specified in the input_file with baron.""" from comando.utility import syscall, canonical_file_name, \ check_reuse_or_overwrite base_name, file_name = canonical_file_name(, '.bar', file_name) check_reuse_or_overwrite(file_name, reuse) for out_name in 'ResName', 'SumName', 'TimName': if out_name not in options: options[out_name] = f'"{base_name}.{out_name[:3].lower()}.lst"' for bool_option in ['results', 'summary', 'times']: if bool_option in options: options[bool_option] = int(options[bool_option]) # bool to int! var_map, con_map = write_bar_file(P, file_name, options, cse, reuse) result_file_name = options['ResName'][1:-1] log_name = f'{base_name}.baron.log' ret = syscall('baron', file_name, log_name=log_name, silent=silent) if ret and not silent: print(f'BARON terminated with return code {ret}!') return ret val_map = get_results(result_file_name) if not val_map: return -1 # no results (e.g. problem infeasible, no license) for comando_var, baron_var in var_map.items(): if comando_var.indexed: comando_var.value = {i: val_map[vi] for i, vi in baron_var.items()} else: comando_var.value = val_map[baron_var] return ret
[docs] def get_times_and_bounds(baron_log_file): """Code for parsing baron logs for time, and bounds.""" import re p = re.compile(r"[ \*] +\S+ +\S+ +(\S+) +(\S+) +(\S+)") times = [] lb_data = [] ub_data = [] lines = iter(baron_log_file.split('\n')) baron_log_file.split('\n')[0].startswith(" Iteration") for line in lines: if not line.startswith(" Iteration"): continue break else: raise RuntimeError lines = [*lines] for line in lines: try: t, lb, ub = except AttributeError: break times.append(float(t)) lb_data.append(float(lb)) ub_data.append(float(ub)) return times, lb_data, ub_data